A döntéshozók
H.A.C. 2013 5. Magyar Akvakertész Verseny
A verseny pontozásában többen is részt vesznek, így az összesített pontszámok alapján valóban a legjobban teljesítő akváriumok kerülnek díjazásra.
Hazai vendégeink:
Néder Attila - Green Aqua alapító
Farkas Balázs - Green Aqua alapító
2013 - IAPLC 46. hely Winning Work
2011 - IAPLC 64. hely Winning Work
Lantos Viktor - Green Aqua alapító
2010 - IAPLC 96. hely Winning Work
2011 - IAPLC 80. hely Winning Work
2012 - IAPLC 67. hely Winning Work
2012 - IAPLC 111. hely Winning Work
2012 - CBAP 1. hely külföldi akváriumok
Külföldi vendégeink:
Grégoire Wolinski - (Franciaország) Aquaceed alapító, Aquascaper
2nd to French competition 2009 CAPA
2nd Polish nano contest contest 2009
4th international competition AAFC 2009 small category
1st place 2010 CAPA medium category
2nd CAPA 2010 small category
3rd CAPA 2010 small category
3rd international competition AAFC 2010 small category
1st place in the competition nano & Polish contest 60 2010
1st place in category CAPA 2011medium
1st place 2011 CAPA small category
2 nd place in the 2012 CAPA medium category
74 th place in 2013 IAPLC
1st place 2013 CAPA medium category
1st place GAPLC 2013 XL category
Jurijs Jutjajevs - (Németország) Aquascaper
Creative Director of the global internet portal AquaScapingWorld
Professional aquascaper and partner of leading companies in the aquarium industry
Founder and managing director of Aquascaping Company
Numerous show tanks and workshops
Author of aquascaping articles in printed German magazines
Founder and organizer of the GAPLC contest